
GPSwap has four core functions: stake, trading, farming (liquidity mining), and launchpools (free launch of the new GameBox project) can be performed in GPSwap.

1. Stake

GPSwap Stake is the easiest way to earn tokens on GameBox Protocol.

In GPSwap, you can get GP token rewards for free through staking GP or Forth.




GameBox Protocol Token

Auto Pool



Automatic simple/compound interest

Manual Pool



Simple interest

Manual Pool



Simple interest

Manual GP Pool

Auto GP Pool


1. You need to manually harvest GP and reinvest GP, so you will bear transaction costs;

2. The income is presented in APR (APY), excluding compound interest;

3. After obtaining GP for free, you can withdraw and deposit it into your wallet;

1. Automatically harvest GP and reinvest GP, only bear a small transaction fee

2. The income is presented in APR (APY), including compound interest;

3. Every time GP automatically compound interest, a small management fee will be deducted from the income

4. If you unstake within 3 days after staking, an unstaking fee will be charged.

5. After obtaining GP for free, there is no need to withdraw and deposit it into the wallet;


1. Management fee: 2% will be automatically deducted every time GP is produced; for example, if 100 GP is produced, 2 GP will be deducted automatically;


On GPSwap trading, users can use their own wallets to directly conduct multi-currency transactions without trusting a credit intermediary.

3. Farming

Users can add different token trading pairs into the liquidity pool (LP) and stake the liquidity pool (LP) in farming. Farming's income includes transaction fee rewards obtained by providing liquidity and GP rewards obtained by stake LP in farming.

4. Launchpools

Launchpools is a completely free online platform for GameBox project, and in most cases can also be regarded as a high-risk, high-yield project online platform. On Launchpools, users can get GameBox project tokens for free through Stake GP or Forth.

Last updated