GameBox Protocol

GameBox Protocol (GBP) is the first GameBox mining pool protocol, aiming to build the first global GameBox aggregation platform, and its governance token is GEP. The holders of this token spontaneously form GBP-DAO. Conduct community governance of GameBox Protocol. The main products developed based on the GP are as follows:

1.GPswap: The GBP can help GEP holders to obtain free GEP token rewards through stake GBP or Forth in GPSwap; users can also conduct trading, farming (liquidity mining), and launchpools (Free launch of GameBox project)in GPSwap.

2.Gminer: The GEP can help most ordinary player users who lack professionalism and limited time, as well as users who are interested in GameBox, through GMiner to efficiently configure users' digital assets into different GameBox, and cooperate with professional players to obtain maximum benefits.

3.Gamelist: The GEP encourages outstanding GameBox teams to launch projects on Gamelist.

4.Developer Alliance: Rewards developers who participate in the GEP ecosystem-GameBox explorers, GameBox professional players, code contributors, bug diggers, etc.

GEP Tokenomics is the core rule that guarantees the long-term development of the project. Incentives based on the degree to which the GEP creates value will always be the highest principle of GEPTokenomics.

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