2.Play to Earn mode is setting off a gaming revolution

Play to Earn (P2E) is currently a popular business model in GameBox, which corresponds to the Free-to-Pay (F2P) model commonly used in the traditional Internet game industry. The latter means that players can play games for free, but If you need a better gaming experience, you need to pay.

Blockchain technology gives players ownership of the assets in GameBox and allows players to increase their assets’value by actively playing GameBox a key component of the P2E model. Most of the revenue in GameBox is no longer attributable to large centralized game companies, but to excellent players. By participating in the in-game economy, players are creating value for other players and developers. In return, they are rewarded with assets in the game. These digital assets can be any encrypted assets that are confirmed on the blockchain.

We think this is reasonable. First, the matching of input and output is a long-term and healthy economic model; second, game development requires costs. Because players can finally get value by selling encrypted assets, it is rational for players to pay some start-up costs. On the contrary, if this game is completely free, we believe that such an economic model is unsustainable.

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