3.Introduction to GameBox Protocol

An excellent GameBox is often a complex game ecosystem, involving different public chains, wallets, single or multiple token systems, game rules, and token economic models (Tokenomics), etc. Professional players need to evaluate GameBox's security and P2E mode in combination with the above factors, and then profit by investing in digital assets in order to participate in the game. For most ordinary players, they are limited by their own professionalism and limited time, and it is often difficult to compete with professional players in GameBox, so that the input and output are not ideal and this even causes them losses.

The GameBox Protocol (GBP) is the first GameBox mining pool protocol. The governance token of the GBP is GEP, and its holders spontaneously form a GBP-DAO (decentralized self-regulatory organization) to conduct GameBox Protocol community governance.

The governance token GEP of the GBP is a constant total governance token. The project R&D and operation team only obtains 9% of the total GEP, and it is linearly released in 24 months after the platform is launched 6 months. Like many fair-issued projects, the vast majority of GEP will reward ecological participants of the GBP.

The GBP can help GEP holders to obtain free GEP token rewards through Stake GEP or Forth in GPSwap; users can also conduct trading, farming (liquidity mining), and launchpools (free launch of new GameBox projects) in GPSwap.

The GBP can help GEP holders to obtain free GEP tokens and Game token (such as SLP (Axie Infinity), SAND (Sandbox)) rewards through stake GEP or Forth in GSwap; users can also use Trading and Farming (liquidity mining), and Launchpools (free launch of the new GameBox project).

The GBP can help most ordinary player users who lack professionalism and have limited time, as well as users who are interested in GameBox, to efficiently configure users' digital assets to enter different GameBox through GMiner, and cooperate with professional players to obtain maximum benefits. GMiner GEP and Game tokens (such as SLP (Axie Infinity), SAND (Sandbox)) will be used to distribute revenue to users; at the same time, users will be configured to hedge the systemic risks of the market by configuring users' digital assets to stable DeFi funds. GMiner distributes revenue to users through DeFi tokens; the allocation ratio between GameBox and DeFi is dynamically adjusted according to market conditions. With the gradual progress of the project, we will further map GMiner with standardized hashrate coins (ST) to tokenize GMiner user assets, which can significantly improve the liquidity of GMiner user assets.

The GBP agreement encourages outstanding GameBox teams to launch projects on Gamelist.

The GBP creates a Lottery/Grab bag around the ecology, giving users more fun.

The GBP has a Developer Alliance section, which will reward developers who participate in the Alliance as GBP ecosystem-GameBox explorers, GameBox professional players, code contributors, and bug diggers.

Of course, the GBP supports the spontaneous formation of GBP-DAO by GEP holders to carry out the community governance of the GameBox Protocol. GBP-DAO implements a democratic system of 1 vote/1 GEP. GBP-DAO can vote to

①determine the rule setting of each function of GPSwap;

②GMiner project entry/exit;

③Gamelist project online;

④Lottery/Grab box new gameplay online;

⑤GEP token economics modification and improvement;

⑥Even GBP Strategic planning of the agreement;

⑦ More rules modification and improvement.

Finally, GEP certificate economics is the core rule that guarantees the long-term development of the project. Incentives based on the degree to which the GBP creates value will always be the highest principle of GEP certificate economics.

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