
1. What's GMiner

GMiner is a very important part of the GameBox Protocol.

Users can invest GBP, Forth, ETH, USDT or other tokens in GMiner to different pools to obtain GP and Game/DeFi tokens. GMiner will reinvest these tokens into Game/DeFi assets that can generate revenue, and GMiner will continue to distribute revenue to users through GP tokens and Game/DeFi tokens.



GameBox Protocol Token

Game/DeFi Token


Game Pool



Game Token

Simple Interest

Game Pool



Game Token

Game Pool



Game Token

Mix Pool



Game/DeFi Token

Simple Interest

Mix Pool



Game/DeFi Token

Mix Pool



Game/DeFi Token

GMiner adopts a phased issuance method, releasing a certain amount of ETH/USDT/Forth each time. All ETH/USDT/Forth issued in a single issuance will form a separate Game Pool or Mix Pool, and the ETH/USDT/Forth invested by users and user income will be calculated separately, and users will receive GEP and Game/DeFi tokens.

2. GMiner's dynamic adjustment mechanism for underlying assets

As mentioned above, different pools in GMiner correspond to different Game/DeFi assets, and different Game/DeFi assets correspond to different risks, earnings, stages and other factors. GameBox Protocol will comprehensively and prudently evaluate the bottom layer of GMiner. The allocation ratio of assets is dynamically adjusted. The entire evaluation and adjustment mechanism is open and fair, with the participation and supervision of GBP-DAO.

3. The next stage of GMiner-Standardized hashrate (ST)

In the next phase of the project, we will map the assets of Game Pool and Mix Pool in GMiner in the form of standardized hashrate (ST). Correspondingly, the asset Tokenizer of Game Pool is GPST, and the asset Tokenize of Mix Pool is MPST.

Users can use GP, Forth, ETH, USDT and other tokens to buy minted GPST or MPST in GMiner, or buy GPST or MPST in GPSWAP.

After the purchase is completed, users need to stake GPST or MPST in the corresponding pool of GMiner. GMiner invests all Staked assets into Game/DeFi assets that can generate revenue. GMiner continuously distributes income to users through GFI tokens and Game/DeFi tokens. Users can also unStake at any time and sell GPST or MPST after unstaking in GPSWAP or other DEX.

Therefore, the prices of GPST and MPST will be completely determined by the market.

4. GMiner Game Guild Team Battle

GMiner will regularly or irregularly carry out game guild team battles. Through team battles, it can continue to motivate and improve the overall level and collaboration capabilities of the GameBox game guild, and can significantly improve community interaction, activity and cohesiveness.

Excellent GameBox game guilds will receive rewards such as GEP, Ampl, Forth, and more opportunities for cooperation with GMiner.

Last updated